bronx scaffold accident attorney

Benefits of Hiring a Bronx Scaffolding Accident Lawyer

Have you been involved in a scaffolding accident in the Bronx? It’s an unfortunate fact that the construction industry had more deaths and injuries than any other in 2020. There were over 1,000 fatal work injuries in particular.

 After suffering mental and physical injuries, you might be uncertain about what to do next. One crucial step that can significantly influence your case is hiring the right accident lawyer. Keep reading to learn about several substantial benefits of a skilled scaffolding accident lawyer.

1. Expertise in Construction Law

Scaffolding accidents always fall within the rules and regulations of construction law. An accomplished accident lawyer should have a detailed familiarity with this part of the law. A deep understanding of construction regulations and safety standards can make all the difference in your case.

The best construction lawyers can guide you through these complex legal nuances with ease. That way, you won’t feel lost. Plus, you’ll know that your attorney will do everything in their power to advocate for your case.

2. Knowledge of Relevant Regulations

Every construction site has to fall in line with many safety regulations and guidelines. Many of these regulations are outlined by OSHA.

A seasoned accident attorney knows the ins and outs of these regulations like the back of their hand. This comprehensive knowledge makes it all the easier to spot breaches and violations. They can pinpoint the problems that could have led to the occurrence of your scaffolding accident.

These details can strengthen your case and boost your chances of a ruling in your favor. Without an expert lawyer on the job, you could miss the detail that makes all the difference. That’s where investigations come into play.

3. Thorough Investigation Skills

The success of any accident case depends on a meticulous investigation that leaves no stone unturned. A proficient accident lawyer should be committed to thoroughly examining everything related to your scaffolding accident.

This comprehensive approach involves gathering evidence, conducting interviews with relevant witnesses, and reviewing documentation. They’ll even go the extra mile and consult with subject matter experts if necessary. This robust investigative process can boost your case like never before.

4. Building the Strongest Case

Accident law revolves around making a strong and convincing legal argument. Even if your case is strong, a poor presentation can sabotage your chances of winning.

An experienced accident attorney excels at creating a clear and compelling story about your situation. This story is based on the evidence they collect and the rules that are relevant in this situation. By showing your case in the most favorable light, your attorney sets you up for the best possible result.

5. Expert Negotiation Tactics

In many scaffolding accident cases, a resolution is reached through negotiation rather than litigation. This could turn out to be beneficial for all parties involved. However, it’s sometimes an attempt by the defendant to avoid full responsibility.

Entrusting your case to an accident lawyer equips you with skillful negotiators. They’re adept at engaging with insurance companies and opposing parties. These negotiations are fueled by a deep understanding of your case. They also have an unwavering commitment to securing a settlement that reflects the extent of your damages. You can rest easy knowing that your attorneys are looking out for your best interests. They won’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.

6. Getting the Most Compensation

Scaffolding accidents often result in both physical and emotional suffering. There’s also the matter of financial setbacks. From medical fees to lost wages, the debt can add up to quite a sum.

A proficient accident lawyer can spend time calculating these losses and adding them to your case’s ultimate goal. While figuring out medical fees and lost wages is straightforward, it takes a legal expert to calculate the cost of physical and mental suffering.

Your lawyer can find a number that’s seen as fair and realistic by the judge and jury. That way, you’ll have the best chance of getting the highest amount of compensation.

7. Peace of Mind Instead of Overwhelming Anxiety

The aftermath of a scaffolding accident can be a tumultuous period. It’s understandable if you’re weighed down by uncertainty and stress. There’s no reason you should have to fight by yourself. Hiring an accident lawyer can help you lift that weight off your shoulders. They can protect you from the overwhelming complexities of the legal world and more. By having a lawyer handle the legal burden, you’ll have the mental space needed for healing and self-care.

Hire a Lawyer You Can Count On

Are you wondering how to hire an attorney? There are several steps that can help you make a wise choice.

  • You can start by doing online research. This can help you find respectable lawyers in your area, such as Stillman & Stillman, P.C. Reading client reviews can give you details about their approach to handling cases.
  • Double-check that a potential lawyer holds the necessary licenses to practice in your area. Make sure they have relevant experience in the field of construction law.
  • Remember to schedule face-to-face consultations with potential lawyers. These meetings allow you to gauge their professionalism and knowledge. During the consultation, ask questions about the lawyer’s experience, their intended approach, and the anticipated costs.
  • Consider the lawyer’s communication style and responsiveness. A reliable lawyer should be willing to address your questions with ease. If you feel uneasy or unsure about a particular lawyer, continue your search until you find someone you feel confident about.

Now You Can Seek Justice for Your Scaffolding Accident

With the best scaffolding accident lawyer, you can feel more confident. Your situation doesn’t have to be hopeless. Instead, you deserve to fight for your rights and for justice.

Stillman & Stillman, P.C. is ready to fight on your behalf. We are so confident in our expertise that we only get paid if you get compensated. Our highly experienced team of attorneys specializes in construction accidents, negligence cases, and more.

We’re ready to hear the details of your scaffolding incident. Schedule a FREE Consultation with our firm today.

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