Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney Bronx NY

Do You Need a Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney in Bronx NY for Your Winter Driving Case?

Nearly 1,235,000 vehicle accidents are weather-related. Weather-related crashes usually occur in adverse weather such as heavy snow or rain.

If you’ve driven during winter in the Bronx, NY, you know how dangerous it can be. Snow-covered roads, icy patches, and reduced visibility can make winter driving a risky endeavor. This can lead to serious motor vehicle accidents.

When facing a winter car accident lawsuit, trust a motor vehicle accident attorney in Bronx, NY to help. They can help you navigate the complexities of winter driving cases.

Below is a guide that explores common winter driving accidents. Keep reading to find out how an attorney can be an ally after a winter car accident.

Common Winter Driving Accidents in Bronx, New York

Winter driving in the Bronx, New York poses a lot of risk. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or new, you need to be aware of the common winter driving accidents that can occur. Here are the common types:

Black Ice Accidents

One of the most significant dangers during the winter months is black ice. Black ice usually forms when the temperature is around freezing. It is also nearly impossible to spot.

As an invisible ice layer, it can cause vehicles to skid, spin out of control, and collide. Black ice accidents often happen without warning. They can lead to severe injuries and extensive property damage.

Snow or Sleet Accidents

Snow and sleet can blanket the Bronx in the winter. This can create even more challenging road conditions. Slippery roads resulting from accumulated snow and slush lead to accidents.

From minor fender benders to catastrophic collisions, snow-related accidents can vary in severity. The FHWA reports around 76,000 people are injured in auto crashes that occur during snowfall or sleet. To reduce the risk of accidents, drive with caution.

Icy Road Accidents

Icy roads are another major concern in winter. When a layer of ice covers the road surface, your car can lose its grip. This makes it challenging to maintain control.

Liability in icy road car accidents can be multifaceted. It often involves factors such as road maintenance, weather conditions, and driver behavior. Your attorney can examine these variables to build a robust case in your favor.

Wet Road Accidents

Winter isn’t solely about snow and ice. It can also bring heavy rainfall. Wet roads can be just as bad as icy ones.

Rainwater reduces pavement friction, making it harder to move your vehicle. This increases the risk of crashes. Drivers may even hydroplane, losing control over their vehicles due to the slippery surface.

Studies show that both rain and snow increase the risk of fatal car crashes by 34 percent. To stay safe, it’s important to reduce your speed and increase the following distance. Also, ensure your tires have proper tread to avoid hydroplaning.

Impaired Visibility Accidents

Winter weather often brings reduced visibility. This is often due to fog, snowfall, and freezing rain. Impaired visibility makes it challenging for drivers to react to hazards.

What’s more, they can’t even see other vehicles on the road. This increases the risk of a crash, leading to injuries and damages.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Winter Car Accident?

New York is a no-fault state. But if you’ve suffered serious injuries in a winter car accident, you can seek additional compensation from the other parties involved. Here’s how liability can be determined:

Driver Negligence

Driver negligence in Bronx, NY depends on the standard of reasonable care. For typical accidents, adherence to traffic rules plays a huge role in determining fault. However, the same strict rules may not apply during bad weather.

Even if a driver follows the speed limit, it may be too fast for icy or rainy roads. Driving at this limit during bad weather can often be considered negligent.

Negligence can also extend beyond driving behavior. It includes actions taken before hitting the road like:

  • Removing ice from windshields
  • Keeping headlight covers clean
  • Installing snow tires
  • Ensuring proper tire inflation
  • Clearing accumulated snow from the vehicle roof

If the driver fails to maintain their vehicle and it leads to an accident, it can form a basis for a negligence claim.

Government Negligence

Government agencies have a responsibility to ensure the safety of public roadways. They must design, construct, and regularly inspect and maintain roads to keep them safe for public use. Neglecting these duties can lead to severe road accidents, especially in bad weather.

Common road flaws that can contribute to car accidents in winter in Bronx, NY include:

  • Poor road design with steep shoulder drop-offs, sharp curves, or inappropriate grading
  • Surface defects such as water accumulation, potholes, or debris buildup
  • Inadequate warning signs to alert motorists about road conditions
  • Insufficient or malfunctioning road lighting

Investigations may reveal that road design or construction issues heightened accident risks. A skilled motor vehicle accident attorney in Bronx, NY can help you hold the responsible government authority accountable.

Vehicle Defects

During winter, car accidents in New York can also result from vehicle defects. These defects may include brake failures, faulty steering, or problems with tires or lights. If an accident happens due to a mechanical issue, you can hold the vehicle manufacturer or mechanic accountable.

How to Determine Car Accident Liability in Winter Conditions

Determining car accident liability in winter conditions can be complex. This is why you need to consult a motor vehicle accident attorney in Bronx, NY. To establish fault well, gather the following essential evidence with the help of your lawyer:

  • Police report
  • Eyewitness statements
  • Photos from the scene
  • Video surveillance footage
  • Accident reconstruction reports

Having the right attorney and evidence is key to holding the responsible party accountable.

Consult Qualified Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney in Bronx, NY

Winter driving can be a dangerous experience. Accidents can and do happen. When disaster strikes, you need an experienced motor vehicle accident attorney in Bronx, NY, on your side.

At Stillman & Stillman, P.C., we specialize in navigating the complexities of winter weather car accidents. Don’t leave your rights and compensation to chance. Schedule a consultation to protect your interests.

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